Visual Studio Code Extension Samples

Visual Studio extension development. Create add-ons and extensions for Visual Studio, including new commands, code analyzers, and tool windows. Add the SDKs and tools you need to create new commands, code analyzers, tool windows, and language services using C#. Then, share your extension with the community in the Visual Studio. Get code examples like 'visual studio code html template shortcut' instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.

  1. Visual Studio Code Extension Samples Pdf
  2. Visual Studio Code Best Extensions
  3. Writing Visual Studio Code Extensions
  4. Visual Studio Code Extension Samples Download

SQL Management Studio can be.. a bit of a beast. Let's see how to use Visual Code Studio instead in order to write SQL queries.

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Writing SQL queries is typically done with SQL Management Studio (SSMS). However, this tool is a bit of a beast, so let's look at how you could use Visual Studio Code instead.


Visual Studio Code is a free text editor — but it is so much more than just a text editor. Let's see how. (By the way, VS Code can be downloaded from here.)

Visual Studio Code Extension Samples Pdf

To work with SQL Server, download the MS SQL extension. Press CTRL + SHIFT + P, select Install Extension, and type mssql.

Visual Studio Code Best Extensions

Intellisense in Visual Studio Code is brilliant — better than SSMS. Let's look at how to get it all set up.

Create a new file and set the language type to SQL (press CTRL + K + M).

Open the command palette with CTRL + SHIFT + P and type SQL to show the MS SQL commands. Select the Connect command.

Visual Studio Code Extension Samples

Then, select Create Connection Profile. This creates a profile to connect to your SQL Server. Follow the prompts to get it all set up.

Look in the bottom right corner of the status bar and you should see that you are connected!

Now, if you type sql, you will see a long list of SQL code snippets that you can use:

Writing Visual Studio Code Extensions

Choose a snippet to create and edit it as required. When you are happy, press CTRL + SHIFT + E to execute.

This is basically all there is to it! However, this is an incredibly powerful way of working; the Intellisense instantly tells you what database objects you can use in your query, and there is a wealth of different snippets you can use.

Visual Studio Code Extension Samples

Autodata 3.45 keygen only. When returning data, you get a similar view to SSMS, but you can save as Excel, CSV, or JSON.

SSMS is a very graphical way of doing things. You can double-click a table and see its columns or indexes. VS Code relies on T-SQL commands, but you have access to exactly the same information.

For more information about VS Code and the MS SQL extension, check out this documentation.

database,sql,visual studio,ms sql,ssms
Writing visual studio code extensions

Published at DZone with permission of Simon Foster, DZone MVB. See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.

As I explained in the post Some implications of the new modular setup of Visual Studio 2017 for VSX developers, Visual Studio 2017 has changed all that you knew about installations of Visual Studio. In this episode of Channel 9, Art Leonard explains to Robert Green the internals of this re-architecture of Visual Studio:


The use of a private registry file causes that if you want to know programmatically the installed editions of Visual Studio 2017, the old approaches don’t work. For example, my article HOWTO: Detect installed Visual Studio editions, packages or service packs is now obsolete.

Fortunately, Microsoft provides a new Setup API to query the installed editions of Visual Studio 2017 or the highest VSIXInstaller.exe, along with sample code and utilities:

Visual Studio Code Extension Samples Download

Visual Studio Setup Configuration Samples
“This is a sample in various programming languages that demonstrates how developers can use the new Visual Studio setup query API. The included samples show how to use the new setup configuration API for discovering instances of Visual Studio 2017”.

Visual Studio Locator
“Over the years Visual Studio could be discovered using registry keys, but with recent changes to the deployment and extensibility models a new method is needed to discover possibly more than once installed instance. These changes facilitate a smaller, faster default install complimented by on-demand install of other workloads and components. vswhere is designed to be a redistributable, single-file executable that can be used in build or deployment scripts to find where Visual Studio – or other products in the Visual Studio family – is located.”

Visual Studio Setup PowerShell Module
“This PowerShell module contains cmdlets to query instances of Visual Studio 2017 and newer. It also serves as a more useful sample of using the Setup Configuration APIs than the previously published samples though those also have samples using VB and VC++.”

VSIX Installer Bootstrapper
“An installer that can be chained with other packages to locate the latest VSIXInstaller.exe to use for installing VSIX extensions. One of the great new features of Visual Studio 2017 is an initial smaller and fast install. To compliment a smaller – but powerful – initial feature set, installing additional workloads and components on-demand is supported for both end users and package developers. Package developers can install their VSIX extensions for Visual Studio using this bootstrapper to find the latest version of VSIXInstaller.exe and install their extension(s). This may be preferable for extensions that support Visual Studio 2017 or newer than installing extensions in Windows Installer .msi packages, since MSIs cannot run concurrently in separate processes. Other deployments may also benefit since they no longer have to find where VSIXInstaller.exe is installed. The command line passed to VSIXBootstrapper.exe is passed through to VSIXInstaller.exe.”